UCS™ Debridement cloths

Gemma Davies describes how and when to use UCS Debridement Cloths, a sterile pre-moistened cloth, for mechanical debridement of wounds and surrounding skin. #TVNTV

Compression systems: JuxtaLite

JuxtaLite is an adjustable velcro compression device that can help support patients to self care, which is especially pertinent at the moment. Teresa Mitchell demonstrates how to use JuxtaLite and how it can be adjusted to support the individual patient needs. #TVNTV

Wound hygiene

What is wound hygiene? Dr Leanne Atkin explains its role as part of an early biofilm-based intervention strategy to manage hard-to-heal or chronic wounds. Further information can be found on the below websites: international-consensus-defying-hard-to-heal-wounds-with-an-early-antibiofi-lm-intervention-strategy-wound-hygiene (1) Wound Hygiene site  ConvaTec site