The ambulance service & Wound Care Explained

In this session, Fiona describes how the role of the paramedic has evolved in recent years and specifically in relation to tissue viability. This is an important development for improving outcomes for patients.
Cavity Wounds explained

In this short presentation, Fiona describes cavity wounds, where to start, how to effectively assess and how to manage.
Devitalised/non-viable tissue explained

This short session looks at devitalised/non-viable tissue, how it can be managed and the importance of demarcation as a clue to blood supply.
Granulation tissue explained

This short session focuses on granulation tissue, what it looks like and what can go wrong.
Shared wound care

A key step in facilitating greater shared care is identifying the individuals (patients and informal carers) who would be good candidates to be involved in shared wound care. A guide was developed that can help the clinician to direct discussion to better understand the patient and informal carers suitability for shared wound care and identify […]
Addressing skin tone bias in wound care

This document aims to provide clinicians with practical guidance to aid accurate assessment and diagnosis in all skin tones, optimising patient care and improving outcomes. Mikko Enoc, one of the working group, describes the development of the Best Practice and why now is the time to start the conversation around skin tone bias in wound […]
Odour management for chronic wounds

Sylvie Hampton describes the impact a malodorous wound may have on a patient’s quality of life and the mode of action of an activated charcoal dressing, which can be used as part of symptom management.
Exufiber Ag+ in prevention of Biofilm reformation

Try it for yourself, take the 14 day challenge.
Efficient transfer of exudate in cavity wounds with Exufiber

A patient case demonstrating how Exufiber effectively transfers exudate from a wound into a secondary dressing Try it for yourself, take the 14 day challenge.
Supporting a clean wound bed with Exufiber®

A patient case demonstrating how Exufiber helps to achieve a clean wound bed Try it for yourself, take the 14 day challenge.