Wounds UK 2021: Hawk Medical Technologies

Michael Malone from Hawk Medical Technologies explains more about the IMSTA world-winning product that aids cleansing and debriding of leg ulcers.
Wounds UK 2021: Molnlycke

Molnlycke attended Wounds UK Annual Conference 2021 with a focus on cavity wounds and the role of Exufiber and Exufiber Ag.
Joint MDT working during the pandemic

Jennifer Williamson, Lead Lymphoedema Specialist Nurse, Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Trust, describes the poster they presented at the Wounds UK Annual Conference 2021. View the posters from the conference at https://live.wounds-uk.com/eposters-2021/
PATH – the new Professional Accredited Training for HCPs

PATH is a new Professional Accredited Training for Healthcare professionals that can be delivered via an e-learning platform, or bitesize and face-to-face masterclass sessions. Email [email protected] for more information.
Wound Detectives: can you solve it?

Have you tried to solve the the Wound Detectives series yet in Wounds UK? Head to the latest issue of the journal to have a go. What is the cause of the wound, what tests would you order to confirm your diagnosis and what treatment would you plan?
Addressing skin tone bias in wound care

This document aims to provide clinicians with practical guidance to aid accurate assessment and diagnosis in all skin tones, optimising patient care and improving outcomes. Mikko Enoc, one of the working group, describes the development of the Best Practice and why now is the time to start the conversation around skin tone bias in wound […]
Lindsay Leg Club at Wounds UK 2021

The Lindsay Leg Club was the Charity of Year at this year’s Wounds UK conference. Jemell Geraghty explains what impact it can have for people in the community beyond wound care. Visit www.legclub.org for more information.