Let’s talk about Stats! Confidence Intervals
Join John Stephenson and Karen Ousey in conversation about confidence intervals. What are they, what do they represent, and how can we calculate them to help explain our results. Let’s talk about presenting data: click here Let’s talk about p-values: click here
Let’s talk about Stats! Presenting data
Join John Stephenson and Karen Ousey in conversation discussing the best way to your present data in articles or presentations. Find out when should you use a table, charts or both, and what type of chart might be best to present your data. Let’s talk about confidence intervals: click here Let’s talk about p-values: click […]
Let’s talk about Stats! P-values
Join John Stephenson and Karen Ousey in conversation about p-values. What are they, what do they represent, and how can we calculate them to help explain our results? Let’s talk about confidence intervals: click here Let’s talk about presenting data: click here
Advice for first time authors
Jackie Stephen-Haynes, what advice do you have for first time authors? Wounds UK 2021 annual conference.
Writing for publication – Part 4: It’s been submitted, what next?
In a 4-part series, Simon Breed explains the process of writing an article for journal publication. Simon will demystify some of the preconceptions about publishing, share how to avoid the pitfalls, and help you get in the mindset ready and excited to publish your work. Part 1: Getting started [http://tvntv.co.uk/uncategorized/writing-for-publication-part-1-getting-started/]Part 2: Planning your article [http://tvntv.co.uk/uncategorized/writing-for-publication-part-2-planning-your-article/]Part […]
Writing for publication – Part 3: The writing begins!
In a 4-part series, Simon Breed explains the process of writing an article for journal publication. Simon will demystify some of the preconceptions about publishing, share how to avoid the pitfalls, and help you get in the mindset ready and excited to publish your work. Part 1: Getting started [http://tvntv.co.uk/uncategorized/writing-for-publication-part-1-getting-started/]Part 2: Planning your article [http://tvntv.co.uk/uncategorized/writing-for-publication-part-2-planning-your-article/]Part […]
Writing for publication – Part 2: Planning your article
In a 4-part series, Simon Breed explains the process of writing an article for journal publication. Simon will demystify some of the preconceptions about publishing, share how to avoid the pitfalls, and help you get in the mindset ready and excited to publish your work. Part 1: Getting started [http://tvntv.co.uk/uncategorized/writing-for-publication-part-1-getting-started/]Part 2: Planning your article [http://tvntv.co.uk/uncategorized/writing-for-publication-part-2-planning-your-article/]Part […]
Writing for publication – Part 1: Getting started
In a 4-part series, Simon Breed explains the process of writing an article for journal publication. Simon will demystify some of the preconceptions about publishing, share how to avoid the pitfalls, and help you get in the mindset ready and excited to publish your work. Part 1: Getting started [http://tvntv.co.uk/uncategorized/writing-for-publication-part-1-getting-started/]Part 2: Planning your article [http://tvntv.co.uk/uncategorized/writing-for-publication-part-2-planning-your-article/]Part […]